Reaction to the report by Radio Ozodi
Citizen Nusrat Gulomov, a resident of the Firdavsi district of Dushanbe, contacted the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding the disappearance of his 20-year-old daughter, Gulomova Mukhiba.
After the appeal of citizen Gulomova N., as a result of operational and investigative measures, the Ministry of Internal Affairs officers found Gulomova's daughter 65 days after her disappearance and obtained testimony from her in the presence of her parents.
In the report prepared by Radio Ozodi, citizen Gulomova Mukhiba notes that the employees of the Internal Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, allegedly, were rude and used torture against her when obtaining testimony.
But, as noted above, when she was found and taken to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, her parents were also invited, and the police officers obtained testimony from her in the presence of her parents.
According to citizen Nusrat Gulomov, his daughter has recently been mentally ill, and this is n
ot the first time she has gone missing.
Earlier, Gulomova Mukhiba went missing for 10 days and was found by staff of the DMIA-1 of the Firdavsi district.
MIA of the Republic of Tajikistan.