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QONUN VA JOMEA WEEKLY: the results of the competition have been summed up and the winners have been encouraged

On December 9 of this year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs held a ceremony summing up the results of the contests "The best propagandists of legal education" and "A beautiful corner of my office site".
First, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Militia Major General Muborakshozoda Gayratsho Gulomsho welcomed the winners and jury members, thanked them for their participation, victory and contribution in the contests "The best propagandists of legal education" and "A beautiful corner of my office area" on behalf of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Colonel General of Militia Rahimzoda Ramazon Hamro. 
He noted that it is a matter of pride that the Republic of Tajikistan is experiencing a new stage of development and progress in today's conditions, taking into account this, new public relations, first of all, need legal regulation and legal education of citizens. For this reason, legal education of citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan is one of the most important areas of policy pursued by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and forms the basis for building a civil society. 
Fortunately, the Founder of peace and national unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, dear Emomali Rahmon, in his next Message to the Majlisi Oli "On the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the Republic" declared 2024 the "Year of Legal Education".
Indeed, the announcement of 2024 by the Leader of the Nation as the "Year of Legal Education" has opened a new page in the social, economic, cultural, political and legal life of Tajikistan. 
In order to implement the points of the "Action Plan for declaring 2024 the "Year of Legal Education", approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated March 18, 2024, a separate action plan was developed at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 
In this context, the legal, political and social weekly "Konun va Jomea" under the Office of the Minister of Internal Affairs was aimed at implementing and displaying Decrees, instructions and orders of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs dedicated to declaring 2024 the "Year of Legal Education" and celebrating the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, Also, on the occasion of the Day of the Tajik police, he announced contests "The best propagandists of legal education" and "A beautiful corner of my office area" among the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan and its units on a national scale. 
Thus, according to the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs, in the competition "The best propagandists of legal education", Militia Lieutenant Colonel Amriddin Kamolzoda, an associate of the 2nd year of the Academy of the MIA of the Russian Federation in Omsk, took the first place and the second place was taken by the head of the investigative department of the DMIA for Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan, Militia Colonel Mukhabbatzoda Mirzo Mukhabbat.
Deputy Head of the Department of Public Service "Protection" of the MIA in the Rudaki district, senior Militia Lieutenant Ilham Islomzoda and militia ensign Mukhsinjon Yoshinjonov, an employee of the DMIA in the Isfara city, took third places. 
The winners of the contests "The best propagandists of legal education" and "A beautiful corner of my office area" were awarded a Certificate of Honor from the MIA and cash prizes. 
Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Major General of Militia Muborakshozoda Gayratsho Gulomsho once again congratulated the winners on their success in these professional competitions and wished them health, happiness, success and decent service. 
It should be noted that the legal, political and social weekly "Qonun va Jomea" in order to study and form legal education, improve the legal knowledge of law enforcement officers, as well as search for new people with knowledge of the laws and increase interest in the study of legal sciences, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and the announcement of 2024 The "Year of Legal Education" held a competition "The best propagandists of legal education". Only the staff of the MIA and its divisions, students and cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, officers and soldiers of the Internal Troops submitted their articles to the competition. 
In addition, the legal, political and social weekly "Qonun va Jomea" is aimed at highlighting the role of militia officers, including district inspectors, in the service area, showing a beautiful corner of the service area, which is considered a corner of dear Tajikistan, improving the aesthetic taste of employees and presenting the beautiful places of our beloved Homeland, as well as promoting mutual cooperation The police authorities with civil society and the achievements and successes of the service station announced a competition "A beautiful corner of my service station". 
The contests were held in one round through the “Qonun va Jomea” weekly, when evaluating and scoring articles, the legal skills of employees (authors), quoting current laws of the field of activity, correct use of legal terminology, spelling of the Tajik language, good analytical articles on the field of activity were taken into account.

09.12.2024 17:53