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    The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Helpline: +992 372212121…Service Assistance phone number 19-19 of Minister of internal affairs…


Rules for employment in internal affairs bodies

In accordance with paragraph 9 of the “Regulations on service by ordinary and commanding personnel of internal affairs bodies,” citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan aged 18 to 35 years are allowed to serve in internal affairs bodies on a voluntary basis, regardless of place of residence, gender, nationality, race, language, religious beliefs, political beliefs, social status, capable, by their personal, moral qualities, education, professionalism, physical fitness and health status, of fulfilling the duties assigned to employees of internal affairs bodies after completing military service upon conscription or having a military ID.

In accordance with paragraph 10 of these Regulations, citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan are not accepted for service in internal affairs bodies in the following cases:

a) citizens who have had or have a criminal record (regardless of the term of serving the sentence, with the exception of persons who were acquitted or found innocent by the court);

b) Non-compliance with the conditions set out in paragraph 9 of these Regulations;

c) The existence and entry into force of a court verdict on deprivation of the right to hold public positions in the civil service (positions in internal affairs bodies);

d) Availability of confirmation of the conclusion of a medical institution about a disease that may interfere with the performance of official duties;

e) Evading special checks and obtaining permission to work with data containing state secrets and other information protected by law;

f) The presence of a close or matchmaking relationship (parents, brothers, spouses, sisters, sons, daughters, as well as brothers and sisters of parents and children of spouses) with an employee, if their service in the internal affairs bodies is associated with the subordination and direct control of one over the other;

g) Having citizenship of a foreign state, with the exception of cases where permission to serve in internal affairs bodies was issued on the basis of bilateral consent regulated by interstate agreements;

h) Evasion of mandatory state fingerprint registration in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On state fingerprint registration”;

i) Providing the personnel apparatus with knowingly false documents and information about oneself and one’s relatives;

j) Recognition of a citizen as incompetent or partially capable by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

k) Evasion of fulfilling physical fitness criteria or non-compliance of test results with established standards.

Documents required for submission

When joining the internal affairs bodies, citizens must submit the following documents:

a) personal statement;

b) identification documents;

c) work book;

d) document confirming education;

e) a document defining the attitude towards the performance of military duties (for citizens who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan).

Vacant positions

Vacant positions are available in the Special Forces units of the militia (tel.: 907 02 58 58), the State Fire Service (tel.: 93 922 57 41) and the medical department (tel.: 93 922 08 01).

Those interested can send their applications by email:;

Address: Dushanbe city, J. Ikromi Street - 29, 
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan.

23.06.2024 23:26