An information and propaganda campaign on road traffic safety, organized by the State Automobile Inspection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan (SAI) with the support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency Tajikistan office (JICA), has been completed in Dushanbe.
The purpose of this project was to raise the awareness of the drivers and pedestrians on traffic safety in order to reduce the number of road accidents. In the frame of the this campaign several promotional activities on road traffic safety were carried out.
In particular, in order to comply with the rules of the road, pedestrians and drivers made promotional videos on different topics such as: "Speeding", "Using a mobile phone" and "Pedestrian crossing", which were broadcast on television.
In addition, Radio channels such as “Vatan”, “Asia-Plus” and “Khovar” broadcasted a series of programs on road tarffic safety.
Advocacy leaflets in Tajik were also developed and published for drivers, parents, children and adolescents, and distributed to all regions of the country for use by SAI staff during targeted activities among drivers and pedestrians.
As part of the project, a contest for the best slogans on road traffic safety was announced on social networks, and 5 winners were awarded with valuable prizes.
The results of the project were discussed on April 3 by the First Deputy Chief of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Colonel Safarzoda Mirzo Nurali with the Head of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Hideki Tanabe.
This is the first time this information campaign has been conducted for me, but I think that in the future it will make a significant contribution to preventing accidents and raising the level of culture of the participants, said Hideki Tanabe, Head of the Japan International Cooperation Agency in Tajikistan. . Hideki Tanabe also thanked the leadership of the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan and journalists for their support and practical assistance in the successful completion of this project.
At the end of the meeting, the First Deputy Chief of the Traffic Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Colonel Safarzoda Mirzo Nurali on behalf of the head of the State Automobile Inspection thanked the program officials for conducting such an information campaign and expressed confidence that cooperation in this area will continue in the future.