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Summary of the activity of the Society of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

- Each of us should educate the youth in the spirit of patriotism, self-knowledge and self-education until they send their professional knowledge and skills to ensure the safety and well-being of the people, the prosperity of the Motherland, peace and the protection of the country's achievements,

"said Said Kayum, the chairman of the Society of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, major-general in retirement of Juraakhonzoda during the final session about the six-month activity of the above-mentioned organization, which last week was in the sanatorium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sadbarg. This event was attended by the Deputy head of the Personnel Department and work with the Interior MIA staff Lieutenant Colonel Musozod Makhmadali and more than sixty veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Said Jurakhonzoda noted that the all-round care and support of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the constant support of Interior Minister Colonel-General Rakhimzoda Ramazon Khamro veterans and pensioners of the Interior, their relatives and relatives is invaluable, and we are very grateful to the veterans for this support.


The Society of Veterans during the first six months of this year, acting in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, resolutions and regulations governing the activities of the company, the instructions of the MIA and on the basis of the activity plan of the Society of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in order to fulfill the tasks set before the society and councils veterans of tasks, and implementation of instructions and instructions of the MIA on using the rich experience of veterans of the Ministry for training and professional development ial skills of personnel, awakening in them a sense of responsibility with respect to the performance of official duties, has held a series of meetings and discussions with the staff of the Interior Ministry offices.

Today in all regions of the country in the total number of registered about 14348 veterans and pensioners, including 2074 veterans and 12274 pensioners from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, 1940 of them spouses and families of employees who died while performing their official duties and 786 are disabled by law enforcement agencies.
Councils of veterans of law enforcement agencies in oblasts, cities and regions pay special attention to the issues of the country's prosperity and development, attach paramount importance to the conduct of educational activities, especially among young people, and take an active part in all political and cultural events.
It should be noted that the Society of Veterans and Internal Affairs subdivisions have 85 public organizations, in which more than 475 veterans and pensioners are active members and they constantly make an impressive contribution to the upbringing of the younger generation.
During the session, the deputy head of the Personnel and Personnel Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel of Militia Mahmadali Musozoda, made a statement in which he noted that he, as a representative of the management, constantly taking part in veterans' actions, each time extracts from these events for the promotion of activities something new and enriched by his experience. Also, he noted that the veterans are a benchmark, which in particular for young militia officers serves as a knowledge base, how to behave and communicate with citizens. And It would be good if the young employees of the internal affairs agencies worked more closely with veterans and used their knowledge and experience in their activities.
At the end of the event veterans of the internal affairs bodies expressed their gratitude to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for holding this meeting at the Sadbarg sanatorium located in the Ramit valley in the city of Vakhdat and comprehensive support.
The society of veterans of law enforcement bodies uniting previous generations, contributes to the maintenance of public order, the rule of law and the prevention of crime.

10.07.2018 16:55