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Conducting a training seminar on the topic "Countering domestic violence, promoting gender issues in cooperation between the militia and the public"

Based on the instructions and instructions and direct support of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Colonel General of Militia Rakhimzoda Ramazon Khamro and the action plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan to implement in real life the requirements of sectoral regulatory legal documents to ensure gender issues and prevent domestic violence among employees of the Departments The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the cities and districts of the Kulyab zone and members of the Public Councils under the internal affairs bodies, a seminar-meeting was held on December 14-16 of this year.

The seminar with a welcoming speech was opened by the assistant to the National Coordinator for Police Reform, Police Major Sharifzoda Khushbakht, brought to the participants the demands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the purpose of the event.
The teachers of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Abdulahadzoda A.A. were involved in the training seminar as trainers. and Nuriddinzoda S.N., and for three days, observing all pedagogical rules and high professional training, they taught the participants legislative provisions in the field of research. During the seminar, the trainers used only interactive teaching methods, considered and discussed the opinions of the participants regarding the problems of the practical implementation of legislative norms.
In conclusion, the issues discussed at the event were resolved and summarized from the point of view of theory and practical application of the opinions of all participants, and the practitioners noted that in their work and in cooperation with the public they will observe, implement and implement legislation on gender equality.
The event was organized at a high level and all participants expressed their gratitude to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for its holding.

07.12.2021 16:11