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    The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Helpline: +992 372212121…Service Assistance phone number 19-19 of Minister of internal affairs…

Impeccable service in the internal affairs

Today (08.04.2015) The Minister of Interior Lieutenant-General Rahimzoda Ramazon Hamro, congratulated retirement Head of Ministry of Internal Affairs in Dushanbe major general of militia Said Dzhurahonzoda and stressed of its submission invaluable contribution to the police and in the education and training of young specialists.

At the ceremony, Minister of the Interior handed over to major general militia  Said Dzhurahonzoda gratitude on behalf of the Minister of Interior and memorable gift - a TV.

In turn, the major general of militia Dzhurahonzoda Said, said that it is always ready to serve his country and his people.

08.04.2015 14:50