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Participation in the scientific event dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


On September 22, 2022, in the city of Krasnoyarsk of the Russian Federation, an international seminar on the topic "With the call of the heart, for the benefit of the Motherland» dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Siberian Institute of Law of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia , was held.

In it, the representative of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan - the first deputy head, candidate of legal sciences, police colonel Nasuriyon Pulod Asadullo gave a virtual (online) congratulatory speech. P.A. Nasuriyon congratulated the staff of the Institute, cadets and students on behalf of the management and the entire staff of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on this auspicious holiday, noting that thanks to purposefulness, great constructive strength, creative search, high professional skills, careful preservation of established traditions of the staff of the Institute , employees and professors and teachers of this center always achieve success in the implementation of plans and ideas.
The high intellectual capacity of teachers and specialists gives the Siberian Law School the opportunity to actively participate in strengthening the potential of training highly qualified personnel, development of science and training of new generations of professional employees of internal affairs bodies. In conclusion, P. A. Nasuriyon wished the teachers and student’s success, determination and respect, cooperation and good luck, labor achievements, amazing opportunities, health and good mood.
Also, representatives of the Organization of the Collective Security Treaty (OCST), higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the republics of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, professors and teachers, students and cadets of the Siberian Institute of Law of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia participated in the seminar.
Organizational-scientific and publishing department of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

23.09.2022 11:09