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April 9, 2018 will be remembered for a long time for students of advanced training courses for operational commissioners.

In order to strengthen theoretical and practical knowledge, according to the schedule of the Faculty No. 4 of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan and instructions of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Militia Colonel-General Rahimzoda Ramazon Hamro, decisions of the operational meeting under the Head of the Academy of the MIA, Militia Major General Sharifzoda F.R. theoretical and practical training was organized at the Mining and Metallurgical Institute of the city of Buston.
These sessions were devoted to the topic "Gemstones of the Republic of Tajikistan", which was held by the vice-rector for science of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Tajikistan in Buston, expert-mineralogist, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences Nasriddinov Zamoniddin.


In the course of theoretical and practical training, the audience learned that there are more than 3500 kinds of minerals in the world. Also, the listeners received exhaustive information about precious stones, such as diamond, ruby, sapphire, alexandrite, emerald, pearls. It should be noted that expert-mineralogist Nasriddinov Zamoniddin spoke about the amazing properties of some stones, the methods of their extraction in industry. For example, it was amazing to learn about the use of anti-radiation clothing from serpentines, graphite and senility during the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, about the value of some stones.

Also, his colleague - the teacher of the department of initial training and professional development colonel of militia Khokiroev Azimjon informed the listeners about contraband of precious stones in Tajikistan and ways of their prevention.
Before the beginning of the classes, under the guidance of expert-mineralogist Nasriddinova Zamoniddin, the students at the Institute's museum got acquainted with the stones of Tajikistan.
Classes were interesting and informative.
The management of faculty №4 intends to continue close cooperation with industrial enterprises and higher educational institutions in the sphere of professional development of the Ministry of Internal Affairs employees.
Abdulatifov U.H. - Head of the Department of Initial Training and Advanced Training, Militia Colonel.

10.04.2018 11:54