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Beginning the international scientific-practical conference

with the participation of Minister of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant-General of militia Rahimzoda Ramazon Hamro, Head of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Bakhtiyor Hudoyorzoda, Head of the Constitutional Court Mahmudzoda Mahkam, Head of the Supreme Court Shermuhammad Shohiyon, the Council of Justice, Head of the State National Security Committee  Yatimov Saymumin Sattorovich, Head the Agency for Drug Control under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Nazarzoda Rustam, Commissioner for Human Rights Zarif Alizoda, Chairman of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan Markus Mueller, representatives of the General Prosecutor's Office, the Agency for State Financial Control and Combating Corruption, Ministry of Justice, universities, embassies, international organizations, Public Council on the promotion of civil society in police reform, subgroups incorporating gender perspectives into police reform program, volunteer vigilantes and freelancers. Also, this conference will bring together the social partners and international NGOs.

The conference opened with a welcoming speech Minister of Interior Lieutenant-General Rahimzoda Ramazon Hamro and expressed his gratitude for taking part participants. During his speech, Minister said that "The theme that will be discussed today, one of the most important issues, the forum participants are free to share their ideas and experiences related to police reform. During his speech, Minister of Internal Affairs said that "The theme that will be discussed today, one of the most important questions, the forum participants are free to share their ideas and experiences related to the reform of the police. Reform of the police internal affairs bodies continues for the third year and in this context a number of important documents, such as police reform strategy for 2013-2020.

The implementation of the Strategic Plan for the police reform program was adopted, the draft of the Law "On the Police" were developed and presented for public discussion. Also with presentations were made by the other participants of the seminar. They expressed their weighty proposals.

28.11.2015 12:02