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The program


Republic of  Tajikistan

"Dushanbe plaza"

For official illumination of a course of conference at a hall there are representatives

of mass media


Conference working languages: Tajik, German, Russian, English


08.000-008.30 Registration of participants of conference


08.30 – 09.10 Opening of conference


The moderator:


Rozikzoda Abdulhakimi Sherali – the chief of Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan, the doctor of historical sciences, the professor, the major general of militia



                            Salutatory word to participants of conference




Rakhimov Ramazon Hamroevich – the Minister of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan, the candidate of the jurisprudence, the Deserved lawyer of Tajikistan, the lieutenant general of militia



Hudoyorov Bahtiyor Tavarovich – the head of the Executive device of the President of Republic of Tajikistan, the candidate of the jurisprudence, the Deserved lawyer of Tajikistan



Hegemer Christian - the Head of Institute of the international cooperation of Fund of Hans Zajdelja, the doctor



Hertrampf Doris - the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Federal Republic of  Germany in Republic of Tajikistan



Eliott Sjuzan - the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the United States of America in Republic of  Tajikistan




09.10 – 11.00 Reports of participants




soliev kARIM Hodzhievich - the information on an order of carrying out of conference


The moderator:

Tsimbaljuk Mihajlo Mihajlovich – the Rector of the Lvov state university of internal affairs, the doctor of jurisprudence, the lieutenant general of militia


09.10 – 09.30









Modern management in police structures - possibilities of reaction of divisions of police on reproaches from the public in unjustified application of force


Zommer Wolfgang - the President of the Bavarian police of readiness


Enkling Gerd - the Police director, the chief of the department of preparation and improvement of professional skill of police of readiness of Bavaria


09.30 – 10.30

Discussion and exchange of opinions:

  • Heads of educational institutions of militia/police of the states-participants CIS and Europe;
  • Representatives accredited in territory of Republic Tajikistan of the international organizations;
  • Representatives of the non-governmental political organisations;
  • Representatives of the academic circles;
  • Representatives of law enforcement bodies of Republic Tajikistan.



10.30 – 11.00                                           Coffee-break

Photographing of participants and visitors of conference



11.00 - 12.30 Reports of participants





The moderator:


Muhametshin Faim Bajazitovich – the Chief of the Ufa legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the doctor of jurisprudence, the professor, the major general of militia


11.00 – 11.20

Improvement of a professional training for system of law enforcement bodies in Ukraine in the conditions of modern calls and threats


Kovalenko Valentine Vasilevich – the Rector of National Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the doctor of jurisprudence, the professor, the Deserved lawyer of Ukraine, the corresponding member of National academy of legal sciences of Ukraine


11.20 – 12.30

Discussion and exchange of opinions:

  • Heads of educational institutions of militia/police of the states-participants CIS and Europe;
  • Representatives accredited in territory of Republic Tajikistan of the international organisations;
  • Representatives of the non-governmental political organisations;
  • Representatives of the academic circles;
  • Representatives of law enforcement bodies of Republic Tajikistan.


12.30 - 13.45                                                Lunch  

(A hotel complex « Hyatt Regency »)



13.45 - 15.15                                          Reports of participants



The moderator:


Voloshchuk Anatoly Nikolaevich – the rector of the Odessa state university of internal affairs, the doctor of jurisprudence, the senior lecturer, the major general of militia


13.45 – 14.05

Safety of a society and observance of human rights: a paradigm of the maintenance of preparation of policemen


Muhametshin Faim Bajazitovich - the chief of the Ufa legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia the doctor of jurisprudence, the professor, the major general of police


14.05 – 15.15

Discussion and exchange of opinions:

  • Heads of educational institutions of militia/police of the states-participants CIS and Europe;
  • Representatives accredited in territory of Republic Tajikistan of the international organisations;
  • Representatives of the non-governmental political organisations;
  • Representatives of the academic circles;
  • Representatives of law enforcement bodies of Republic Tajikistan.


15.15 - 15.45                                                  Coffee-break


15.45 - 17.00                                        Reports of participants



The moderator:


BeschastnIY Victor Nikolaevich – the rector of Donetsk legal university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Deserved lawyer of Ukraine, the doctor of jurisprudence, the colonel of militia


15.45 – 16.05

Problems of maintenance of regional safety in a context of transformation of system of global international safety  


soliev Karim Hodzhievich – the Deputy chief of Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan on a science, the Deserved lawyer of Tajikistan, the candidate of jurisprudence, the colonel of militia


16.05 – 17.00

Discussion and exchange of opinions:

  • Heads of educational institutions of militia/police of the states-participants CIS and Europe;
  • Representatives accredited in territory of Republic Tajikistan of the international organizations;
  • Representatives of the non-governmental political organizations;
  • Representatives of the academic circles;
  • Representatives of law enforcement bodies of Republic Tajikistan.



17.00 - 18.00                                         Final plenary session





soliev Karim Hodzhievich – the deputy chief of Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan on a science, the Deserved lawyer of Tajikistan, the candidate of jurisprudence, the colonel of militia



Discussion of the project of the final document of conference and conference summarizing


Delivery of certificates to participants of conference


Conference closing


18.00 - 19.20


Free time




Departure of participants and visitors of conference from a hotel complex in restaurant  «Saodat.»



19.30 - 23.00


Official supper

Translators 3 people

03.04.2013 22:50