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The present publication should be assessed as a major contribution in the study of the strategy of CIS member-states’ policy, and, namely, of the Republic of Tajikistan in the area of combating illicit trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances. It also allows expanding significantly the range of independent work not only amongst the Law Higher Schools’ students, but also practitioners and it will be read with a great interest by those, who wish to gain a knowledge in this field as well.
The research has a traditional structure and includes an introduction, a body, consisting of 6 chapters, conclusion and an appendix.
The relevance of the selected subject is justified in the introduction, the goals and objectives of the research are identified.  
The first chapter reveals general issues of the state policy of the Republic of Tajikistan in combating the illicit trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances. The author demonstrates the patterns of Tajikistan’s policy development in the area of combating drug-crimes, which is one of the prioritized directions for the activities of law enforcement agencies and military structures of the Republic of Tajikistan based on the selected facts. The book contains an important conclusion regarding the necessity of forming new cooperation levels between the MIA of Tajikistan and the MIAs of CIS member-states, particularly the MIA of the Russian Federation.
The second chapter more thoroughly reviews common feature of legal policy of CIS member-states in the field of combating illicit trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances. It contains a detailed analysis of international relations and cooperation of law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Tajikistan with relevant agencies of CIS member-states, aimed at improvement and search of preferable ways to combat illicit trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances, and other types of crimes, which currently threaten the humanity. Moreover, the author by further differentiation of these relations, emphasizes extanding relations with international organizations, such as the United Nations (UN), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE),  the Organization on Collective Security Agreement, the Council of Islamic Conference, NATO, Organization of Shanghai Cooperation, Central Asian Regional Informational Coordination Center (CARICC) on combating illicit trafficking of drugs, psychotropic substances and its precursors) and others.
The third chapter has a practical nature and it considers a mechanism of combating illicit trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances. The author visually shows relative independency of legal and organizational measures, aimed at the creation of mechanism to combat drug-crimes, which are dealt, first of all, with a structural ensuring of combating crime.
The fourth chapter reviews a socio-criminological prevention of drug dissemination.
The fifth chapter considers improving measures on investigation and solution of crimes, connected to illicit trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances.
The sixth chapter of the monograph describes the progress of cooperation forms between the state authorities and society to combat drug addiction. The author is not bounded only by conclusion and critical analysis of the existing in the literature situations on the discussed subject, and states that it is impossible to block the main drug trafficking routes only by the efforts of law enforcement agencies. And that the interpenetration process of transnational criminal groups, inspecting drug deliveries, and terrorist, extremist networks has already started. It should not be excluded that in the perspective, the Islamic terrorist groups will try to take over the control of Central Asian drug-traffic.
As a result of the study, a number of problems, related to the concerned subject were revealed, and conclusions on the necessity of further study and improvement of this issue were made.
The research is destined for scientists, instructors, students and audience of the MIA educational institutions, law majors in the universities of the country, for the internal affairs agencies practitioners, as well as for those, interested in the problem of combating illicit drug trafficking.
The author highly appreciates practical operational subdivisions of internal affairs agencies, as well as the scientists of the Republic of Tajikistan for significant assistance and recommendations in the preparation of the present monograph.

26.04.2013 23:58