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 Speakers at the conference stressed the importance and necessity of the forum on this issue, and it is due to the initiative taken by many States on joint cooperation to combat international transnational drug crime, and the necessity of holding such meetings regularly to discuss relevant issues and together develop approaches to overcome the increasing  drug trafficking, which is still currently one of the most serious and vital for all countries, including the CIS countries in general, and Central Asia as well.

 The discussions during the conference problematic issues have shown that in the early 21st century, in spite of all the efforts, the activities of drug dealers continues to flourish, and huge amounts of drugs are crossing the border from one country to another, huge amounts of drugs continue to be produced by breaking the life and undermining security States.

 Having considered the issues raised at the conference, analyzing and summarizing the information on the status and prospects of combating transnational organized drug crime and put forward a proposal for its improvement, its members unanimously approved the following recommendations:

 In order to successfully meet the challenges of the fight against drug-related crime, which threatens not only the moral and spiritual foundations of society, but also the lives of citizens, tranquility and security of any country and is one of the main threats to stability due to the fact that the main source of income is the financing of terrorism from drug trafficking, should be considered as important the coordination of actions to combat drug trafficking, international terrorism and transnational crime at the global, regional and national levels.

 Consolidate the efforts of the state, public and religious organizations and all constructive forces in drug prevention and combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs.

 Encourage the Security Council to increase the degree of importance of the issue to the level of drug-related threats to international peace and security, and equate it to crimes against humanity, along with war crimes.

 Due to the fact that "Controlled delivery" is one of the best methods of suppression of international drug trafficking and identifying persons involved in such trafficking, it is necessary at the level of the UN to adopt a single, universal document regulating the whole system of mutually compatible activities of the competent authorities of several countries to conduct international controlled delivery to prevent international illegal trafficking of articles the import, export and transit of which is prohibited.

 To form a single list of persons having the status of "drug producers" ("drug dealer", "drug dealer") and those who support them, similar to the existing list of terrorists with all the ensuing consequences for such categories of persons.

 The elimination of drug production centers should be a priority, and to achieve this goal it is necessary to consolidate the efforts to develop national, regional and international programs aimed at the elimination of such centers.

 In the interest of the international anti-drug cooperation to conduct joint special and complex operations against drug smuggling by national law enforcement agencies of different countries, which provide the necessary level of confidence in the development of operational cooperation, intelligence sharing, including the locations of drug labs, the supply of precursors, the transfer of the design and t . § To this should improve the provision of information, develop a communication infrastructure for the rapid exchange of information, to ensure the information security of current and future joint operations.

 New on the universal level, the system of international guarantees of execution of requests for operational and investigative activities. One form of such guarantees may be the adoption of the Additional Protocol to the 1988 Convention, which lays down a common to all conditions of execution of queries, the responsibility of States for unreasonable failure to request the law enforcement authorities of the requested state operational investigative activities on its territory.

 Increase the operational capacity of the border authorities and agencies in the fight against drug trafficking, providing operational cover areas on the Tajik-Afghan border.

  Along with the use of military and law enforcement, it is necessary to develop and implement alternative development of agriculture and economic development of Afghanistan through increased investment, technical assistance, through the development of infrastructure, especially energy and electrification, creating enough jobs. To provide all possible assistance to Afghanistan in breaking the existing technological and financial chain drug industry.

Share the latest scientific and technical achievements in the field of combating trafficking in drugs and precursors. Develop new mechanisms of cooperation, taking into account trends in the drug situation.

 Improve the mechanism of control over precursors to prevent their diversion into illicit channels, as well as the establishment of strict control over the movement of precursors in the states that border Afghanistan (for example, by staining of acetic anhydride).  

Strengthen the technical and technological, human and professional potential of units specializing in the fight against drug trafficking. On the basis of the best and advanced programs and joint coordinated action to increase training of operational staff (drug police) for countries that are major producers of drugs. This enables you to reach a new level of hands-on in joint operations to interdict drug shipments. 

In the fight against drug abuse and illicit drug trafficking. This work to attract prominent figures of culture and art, education, and spiritual leaders. Given the mentality of the people of the region, publicize and educate the essence of the true value of the Koran - the main source of the religion of Islam in this matter.

Publish reports of the participants of the conference and send them to all law enforcement units.

22.04.2013 16:27