Nasimzoda Akbar Giyos - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan
Nasimzoda Akbar Giyos - Militia Major General, date of birth April 1, 1962. The Tajik, education – the highest technical and the highest legal. Service in law-enforcement bodies since 19th August 1985.
Official activities: Inspector patrol service OGAI (Department State traffic police) DMIA in Dushanbe, senior inspector patrol service OGAI DMIA in J. Balkhi district, head of the OGAI Jayhun district, senior State traffic inspector OGAI DMIA J. Balkhi district, head of OGAI DMIA J. Balkhi district, head of patrol service branch of OGAI DMIA Khatlon region, deputy head OMVD J. Balkhi, deputy commander patrol service of OGAI DMIA of Khatlon region, the deputy chief of OGAI DMIA of Khatlon region, chief of OGAI DMIA of Khatlon region, head OGAI DMIA in Dushanbe, Deputy Chief Department State traffic police of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Nasimzoda Akbar Giyos from April 19, 2017, was appointed head of the Department State traffic police of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Excellent militia, has numerous awards, medals, diplomas and gratitude, including medals "For impeccable service" I, II, III degrees, "Honorary Officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", "Militia of Tajikistan" and another.