Sari-Khosor natural park
Sari-Khosor natural park taj. Boғi tabii Sari Khosor was organized by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan dated October 25, 2003 on the territory of the Baldzhuvan region. The area of the park is 3805 hectares.
Sari-Khosor natural park is located in the south of Tajikistan and is distinguished by unique natural resources and mountain mesophilic deciduous forests that have survived in Tajikistan. The Sari-Khosor natural park is truly unique; mountain forests, consisting of walnuts (Juglans regia), a number of species of wild fruit trees and shrubs, are especially rich.
Due to the abundance of forage during the ripening of fruits in the autumn period, such valuable game species of animals as wild boar (Sus scropha nigrepus) and bear (Ursus arctos isabellinus) are concentrated. There are also Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica), urial (Ovis vignei bocharensis), stone marten (Martes foina), otter (Lutra lutra), common lynx (Felis lynx), snow leopard (Uncia uncia). Chickpea (Alectoris kakelik), wood pigeon (Columbus polombus), turtledove (Steptopelia orientalis) and other birds are found in large numbers.
The variety of fauna and flora of the reserve located in the mountainous area allows using it for the organization and development of various types of tourism.
This unique natural park is a state protected natural area. Sari-Khosor Natural Park is managed by the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan (MOP RT).