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Dashtijum (nature reserve)

State natural reserve "Dashti Jum" (Tajik. Mamnӯӯҳi davlatii tabii Dashti Ҷum) is a nature reserve in Tajikistan. Organized by the Decree of the Government of the Tajik SSR in 1983 on an area of 19.7 thousand hectares. Located on the southern slope of the Darvaz ridge, in the Shamsiddin Shokhin district of the Khatlon region. It is located 40 kilometers from the city of Kulob and 240 kilometers from Dushanbe, the capital of the republic. The reserve was organized to preserve the last full-fledged and viable population of the markhor goat (markhora) in Central Asia, as well as the Central Asian mouflon. The mountain ranges of the Shamsiddin Shokhin region are picturesque wooded hills and, in some areas, rocky terrain. The most prominent feature of the area is the presence of diverse flora and fauna, as well as unique landscapes. A special attraction of the region is the habitat of mountain goat goats, the population and range of which in the world is limited.

The grape goat (Markhor) is an inhabitant of the middle belt of the southern mountains, where rocky areas intersect with alpine meadows. In the reserve "Dashti Jum", most of the year, the horned goats keep in the zone of juniper woodlands at an altitude of 1200-2400 meters above sea level, in winter they go down to 800 meters.
The reserve "Dashti Jum" was declared a tourism zone by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. The rut of the Winehorn goats is the earlier and more intense, the earlier the cold sets in. Usually on the territory of the reserve the rut of the horned goats begins in November and lasts until the end of December. During this period, in agreement with the management of the reserve, a photo hunt is organized for tourists-lovers of wildlife.

22.07.2020 14:26