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Khujand is one of the oldest cities in Central Asia: according to some sources, the city was founded in the 7th-6th centuries BC. e. Most likely, Khujand is Kyropolis (Κυρούπολις) [en] - a city founded by Cyrus the Great on the northwestern borders of his huge Achaemenid empire. It was conquered by Alexander the Great, who rebuilt and fortified it, naming Alexandria Eskhata (that is, "Alexandria Extreme").

Located on the Great Silk Road and connecting Samarkand with the Fergana Valley, Khujand had an advantageous geopolitical location and paramount transport importance.
Subsequently, it was conquered by the Arabs (VIII century), and in 1219-1220 it fiercely resisted the troops of Genghis Khan, but was destroyed.
However, the city soon revived and became one of the largest trade, cultural and scientific centers of the Central Asian region. Even today, Khujand is an important industrial, scientific and cultural center of northern Tajikistan.
Since ancient times, Khujand, being at the crossroads of the trade routes of the East, on the Great Silk Road, was one of the most important economic, military-strategic and cultural centers of Fararud.
Khujand was home to famous astronomers, mathematicians, doctors, historians, poets and musicians. One of them is the founder of the local astronomical school Abumahmud Khujandi.
In the XIV century Kamol Khujandi, the author of the famous gazelles, was called "The Nightingale of Khujand". The outstanding poet, musician and dancer Mahasti was equally popular in the Middle Ages.
According to legend, it was in Khujand that the house of Khoja Nasreddin stood. In the 19th century in Khujand, such cultural figures as Toshkhoja Asiri, Sodirkhon Hafiz, Khoji Yusuf conducted an active educational work. Sights of Khujand: a medieval citadel, a mosque-mausoleum of Sheikh Muslikhiddin (XVII-XVIII centuries), the Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene - the oldest Orthodox church in Tajikistan, built in 1884 at the expense of the Moscow merchant Khludov. Monument to the native of the city, the poet Kamol Khujandi.


22.07.2020 14:19