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Tajik peace experience


Achievement of national reconciliation, peace and unity is a logical continuation of the policy of the state and government of Tajikistan and continous efforts of the Head of State Emomali Rahmon in this direction. Wise governing, unique human sincerity, strong spirit of patriotism, constructive cooperation in the atmosphere of mutual understanding, coordination of useful activity of all branches of the state, nongovernmental organizations and political parties, trust of the people of the country, including different political groups to the President of Tajikistan were among the factors that contributed to implementation of constructive plans and programs. Continuous efforts of the Head of State, as well as wisdom and intelligence of our glorious people resulted in achievement of peace, and on 27 June 1997 the General Agreement on Peace and National Accord in Tajikistan was signed.

Today the experience and practice of the Tajiks in achieving peace and stability has both national and global importance, since it may be a good example of solution of internal conflicts in countries in different regions. Therefore, our experience in peace building, returning nearly one million refugees and their social rehabilitation were acknowledged by such influential international organizations as the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe as an example or model of peace building. Learning of this experience will help to prevent internal conflicts and in case of occurrence to find ways of solution.
The Tajik peace experience proved that for solution of such conflicts other factors could also positively influence the process. For example, the role of the Public Council of Tajikistan, other political and public institutions within the Council in uniting different forces of the society was significant. The positive impact of the Treaty on Public Accord, which was signed on 9 March 1996 by 30 political parties and movements, public association with direct participation of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Chairman of the Majlisi Oli (Parliament) of the Republic of Tajikistan, to the success of the inter-Tajik peace negotiations was tremendous. Later the Treaty became the basis for establishment of the Public Council of Tajikistan.
The main goal of the Treaty and establishment of the Public Council was achievement of peace and national reconciliation, and fortunately, the Tajik people achieved that primary goal. Today, the Public Council of the Republic of Tajikistan is a great political force that unites political parties, non-governmental organizations, creative, professional and other public unions in the country. This is a great power for achievement of high goals, i.e. strengthening peace and unity, political, economic and social development of Tajikistan. Considering the abovementioned, the members of the Public Council of Tajikistan signed a document on indefinite extension of the Treaty on Public Accord of Tajikistan.
The solution of issues stipulated in the Treaty contributed to achievement of peace and stability in the country. Today, we are proud of the fact that peace culture of Tajiks is an example for others, which was acknowledged by the United Nations as a unique experience. It was a rare example in history when a civil war was terminated in a very short period, and two sides came to peace and united for the benefit of Motherland, safety of people, nation and national values.

29.04.2020 10:34