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Declaration of state independence


The state independence is an invaluable political achievement in the new history of Tajikistan. The Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan was adopted during the intense political resistance at the Second Session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan (12th Convocation) on 24 August 1990.

The independence declared in this historical document was yet considered as “independence within the competence of the Soviet Union”, because the Republic of Tajikistan had the right to decide political, economic, social and cultural issues in its territory except the issues within the competence of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics.
The beginning of 90th of the 20th century was a period of unpredictable historical developments for the former Soviet Union and union republics. In fact, political phenomena and developments had been changing so quickly that even the highest leadership in those countries was not able to really comprehend the process.
The events of August 1991 demonstrated the final days of the superpower. Since then, republics began to realize the essence of independence and started endeavor and struggle for gaining full independence. Since it was clearly obvious that such political process would affect Tajikistan as well, it became necessary for amendment of the Declaration of 1990.
The situation was described in the Statement of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan “On State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan” adopted on 9 September 1991 as follows: “Considering the revolutionary changes in the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic, respecting endeavors of the sovereign republics on establishment of new relations among them… in accordance with the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan adopted on 24 August 1990, the Supreme Council declares State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan”.
The adopted Statement was followed by the Special Decree “On Declaration of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan” adopted by the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan where the text of the Statement of the Supreme Council “On State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan” was endorsed.
Adoption of those two historical documents led to the neces¬sity of improvement of the Declaration of State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan. Considering this reality the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan adopted a separate decision “On Amendments to the Declaration of State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan”.
In this historical day – 9 September 1991 amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan entered into force that ensured real independence of Tajikistan, from now guaranteed in the Constitution and had no retroaction from the legal point of view.
As it becomes clear from the analyses of official and legal documents, the idea of independence during one year had gone through very significant development and led to achievement of real independence of the country becoming a prerequisite for development of today’s free and eligible society. “History witnesses, - writes the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, - that during thousands of years Tajik state and statehood traditions went through difficult and hard path of decadence and renaissance, and after each failure and extinction began to revive and resurge again…
Independence is the highest and valuable achievement of the Tajik state and statehood in the 20th century. For the first time independence was gained as a newly established state after the collapse of the Soviet Union and later it developed to a modern and civilized form of statehood.
Independence is the identity of the constitutional and sovereign Tajikistan that independently pursues its internal and external policy, economic, social and cultural policy alongside with other nations in the world.
Independence is a symbol of national statehood and patriotism of the proud and civilized people of Tajikistan that accomplishes its own destiny independently, finds its particular path and appropriate status in the world community, and harmonizes its heartbeat with the heartbeat of the Planet.”
Twenty years of our new history of state independence has been a very tragic and fateful period for existence or non-existence of the State of Tajikistan, ensuring peace and stability, national reconciliation and unity, transition from one political, economic, social and cultural system to a totally new system, hence a period of foundation of the independent state of Tajikistan, as well as strengthening of the foundation of a new statehood of Tajiks.
Achievement of state independence was not an easy task for us – Tajiks. In the very beginning of independence by the influence of some malign foreign and local forces our country was thrown in the whirlpool of civil war which resulted in killing of thousands of human lives, tremendous economic, social and moral losses that weakened all foundations and pillars of the state, the country was drawn into lawlessness and chaos.
In this very difficult political situation the citizens in all regions of the country feeling tremendous responsibility and wisdom for existence and stability of the state, strengthening the foundations of all branches of the state, ensuring rule of law, peace and national reconciliation through their representatives in the Supreme Council strived for holding the 16th Session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan (12th convocation) on 16 November 1992 in the Arbob Palace of ancient Khujand city.
Those days, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikis¬tan with all responsibility before history, nation, Homeland and the world community succeeded in assessment of the political and economic situation in the country and determined the long-term development of the nation during the 16th Session.
The Supreme Council had elected a new government headed by Emomali Rahmon. Emomali Rahmon as the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Head of State from the very beginning of his activity in that vitally important for the people and state position had proposed a comprehensive program to overcome political, economic and cultural crisis.
Time and experience gained in 20 years of independence has proved that the path chosen and the policy pursued by the Head of State Emomali Rahmon had no other alternatives. The new history of the Tajik statehood has proved once again that our glorious people has wisdom, mighty and creative energy, and is able to address any conflict and protect the prestige and status of the Tajik State in the international arena.

29.04.2020 10:28